US History Pioneers!

A homeschool history course from the Colonies to Civil War

Get Ready For an Exciting Exploration of United States History!


Join me, Dan Lewer, in our very own 'Corps of Discovery' of the history of The United States of America from its colonial origins through the Civil War. Together we will discover how our nation came to be, the principals it is founded upon, and the amazing events and leaders that shaped the early history of the country! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

This self-paced homeschool US history course is perfect for students aged 11-13 looking for a video curriculum with additional activities to foster critical thinking and skill development. And its taught by a passionate and award winning teacher, this guy--> 

homeschool us history course


This course covers most state standards for US History I from 1607-1877. Though there are bonus lessons and hands projects- below is a list of all the video lessons, the pillars of the course. 



  • Videos are between 8-11 minutes long but with the guided notesheets, each will take about 25 minutes to watch and complete.

  • Then the quiz for the video lesson can completed in just a few minutes but students should study their notesheets to prepare before hand.   

  • Then the extension activity for each video take between 25-60 minutes, depending on the task. 

  • At the end of every unit there is a multiple-choice test to ensure understanding of key  concepts & a creative project to foster skills & think deeper about history.

Check out the Syllabus & (Suggested) Pacing Guide

Who is this course for?

  • Homeschool students aged 11-13 in grades 6-8.

  • Families looking for a self-paced curriculum allowing them the flexibility to learn at their own pace.

  • Students who love learning from videos and benefit from guided notes and additional activities to help them process, comprehend, and think deeper about the content.

  • Parents looking for an approach to teaching US history that empowers students to develop their own opinions on events rather than being told what or how to think by their teacher. The course teaches the amazing parts of US history but also tackles the heavy topics like slavery, all in a fair and balanced way.

Purchase This Course!



This course is self-paced and students can start at any time of year! The pacing chart serves as a guide but the course license is yours for 15 months to work when you can and want to!

All-in-One Course

This course teaches a full year of US history and hits most state standards and focuses on skill building & critical thinking. It includes video-lessons, quizzes, activities, unit tests, and hands-on projects!


Taught By An Award Winning Teacher

Dan Lewer is a veteran, award winning teacher who excels at engaging students with fun but rigorous learning experiences! Sure to excite your child & spark passion for history!

Comprehension & Critical Thinking!

The videos teach through engaging "story-lectures" and the guided notes and activities help students master the content & develop critical thinking skills. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

If you are not 100% satisfied with the course, you will get a full refund within 30 days of your purchase. Because your child deserves a history curriculum they love. πŸ‘

Aloha, I'm Dan Lewer!

And I'm excited to be your child's teacher for US History! If you are looking for a teacher that is passionate, fun, but also really serious about helping students understand & find value in learning history- we will be a great fit!

I am a teacher, author, and curriculum developer with a passion for teaching history. For eleven years I taught in a beautiful, little rural public school on the Big Island of Hawai'i. I taught all different types of learners- from high flying Advanced Placement students, to English Language Learners, and special education students- sometimes all at once! This helped me develop learning experiences that are rigorous but include supports to help struggling learners to be successful and develop confidence in themselves! 

I was awarded the 2020 Hawai'i History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History for my engaging lessons and empowering learning activities. And though I am no longer in the classroom, I still love being a teacher and wouldn't trade it for the world! 

I believe learning history is so important for students because it enables them to understand the past, to wrestle with big ideas, better understand and appreciate the present, and develop a deeper connection with their country and those that came before them. History, taught correctly, also cultivates a sense of responsibility and empowers students to be responsible citizens of our republic. Teaching history is a sacred duty that I wholeheartedly embrace and have a heck of a lot fun in the process 😎. 


You can preview all of my videos on my youtube page (but if you purchase the course, your child will work right here in the course and not need to use youtube at all). And we don't sell or collect any data on our students. πŸ‘Š
Book a call to see if this course is right for your child

βœ… The purpose of this course is for students to understand and appreciate the major events that shaped the United States, the values that our nation is founded upon, and for students to develop critical thinking skills like analyzing primary sources, understanding cause and effect, chronological reasoning, recognizing bias in sources, writing fluency, & problem-solving skills! 


Get a taste of our lessons & activities:

Download the freebie lesson here and see if our curriculum is right for your child.

Grab the Freebie 🀩


Everything is designed to be student & parent friendly 
because learning should be smooth, stress-free, and fun!

Young Pioneers! There's hundreds of years of amazing history to explore,

so I just need to know...

are you coming with me?

Purchase the Course